如果你是對全美號稱最好吃漢堡「In-N-Out Burger」難以忘懷的朋友,現在你可以試著在『Big Steve's 比時地美式漢堡』找尋相同的味覺記憶。『Big Steve's 比時地美式漢堡』的店主人是一對曾在美國工作數十年的夫妻檔,立志將道地美式漢堡帶回台灣。堅持使用新鮮食材製作、拒用組合肉的健康滋味,希望為饕客獻上原汁原味的美式加州漢堡和炸雞。




📸 女生漢堡 Protein Style NT $129 (這是使用生菜取代傳統的麵包,將漢堡的內餡用生菜包著)


📸 男生漢堡(套餐) Wesley bacor cheese Burger NT $126

📸 昇恆昌三號港(Pier3),分為商場棟及旅館棟,商場棟有澎湖最大的免稅商店,提供全球旅客如同精品百貨般的購物享受,匯集國際知名精品、美妝香氛及潮流品牌,讓旅客輕鬆追隨時尚魅力的腳步!結合輕食與特色餐飲、Whiskey 101 體驗館、星探索極限運動場、in89 豪華影城等休閒娛樂設施,為到訪澎湖的旅客開啟精彩豐富的旅程。




 『Big Steve's 比時地美式漢堡』



🕛Open hours




































👉澎湖-美麗的漁人之島( Here I Am-Penghu Islands)




澎湖群島數百年來先後為不同的殖民政權掌控,包括荷蘭人、法國人和日本人。這賦予澎湖群島豐富的史蹟,其中多數位於三大島:由橋樑連接的澎湖、白沙和西嶼。但這些島嶼不僅合歷史迷的胃口,也擁有白色的沙灘和絕美的沿海景色。澎湖群島也是唯一一個海岸線由玄武岩岩漿形成的島嶼。 它是海,風和玄武岩的故鄉。


Like pearls scattering in the East Sea, the Penghu archipelago is located in the southwest of the Taiwan Strait. also known as the Pescadores, Located midway between Taiwan and Mainland China in the Taiwan Strait, Penghu possesses an important geographical position.


The Penghu archipelago consists of near one hundred islands. The land area totals about 127 square kilometers. The Magong Island (including Magong City and Huxi) is the largest island in the archipelago, followed by Xiyu, Baisha. Only 20 islands are inhabited.


The Penghu archipelago, lying in the middle of the Taiwan Strait, is the only island whose coastlines are formed of basalt magma. It is the hometown of sea and wind as well as basalt.


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⛳ 『澎湖群島Penghu Islands 』

📌 Located:Southwest of the Taiwan Strait

💸 Admission: Free

🕛 Best Time to Visit: All year round



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